How to Setup FontAwesome with Nuxt 3
I was trying to find some social icons for this website (
) and ideally I would like to go with inline svg. However, I really can't find uniform designs with icons like Facebook, Email, Github. So, I decided to use fontawesome and they actually have a module for Nuxt 3.
In this guide, I'll just mainly share with you what I have done to setup fontawesome with Nuxt 3. You can confirm all the things I wrote here on this blog to the fontawesome module documentation. I'm just going to share my setup and how to eliminate a common error with running it on dev server.
Step 1: Install vue-fontawesome
svg icon packages.
It's really important to include the fontawesome-svg-core
but include also the package of the icons you are trying to use.
You can check their documentation for right packages to use and since I am using Facebook and LinkedIn icons, that falls to free-brands-svg-icons
and an email icon which is in free-solid-svg-icons
package category, I'm going forth on installing these packages.
yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
yarn add @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons
yarn add @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
You can do this oneline by just stacking all packages like this:
yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
Step 2: Install vue-fontawesome
vue component.
This is the Vue Component
that we are just going to call and insert into our NuxtApp.
yarn add @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome@latest-3
Step 3: Create a fontawesome
Nuxt plugin.
Inside your plugins
folder, create a file and name it fontawesome.js
. Then you can copy this code setup inside that file.
import { library, config } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'
import { faGithubSquare, faFacebookSquare, faLinkedin } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons'
import { faEnvelope } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
library.add(faEnvelope, faFacebookSquare, faGithubSquare, faLinkedin)
config.autoAddCss = false
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.component('fontawesome', FontAwesomeIcon, {})
QUICK OVERVIEW: In the firstimport
lines we are exposing library, config
from fontawesome-svg-core
. (Let's not think about it as this is how this package work 😌) Then, import the FontAwesome
vue component as well as the icons.
We then add the predefined icons to the library
which is a FontAwesome logic we don't have to do anything about that. And also some CSS config that let's Nuxt handle the CSS of this plugin.
Finally, we can add the component inside our nuxt App which should be called inside the defineNuxtPlugin
as per Nuxt documentation.
Step 4: Setup Nuxt Config
Inside your nuxt.config.js
, let's add the fontawesome styles. You might think what is the build: { transpile: ['@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'] }
is for?
We just add that because if not, when running on dev, the terminal will throw a message something like Could not find one or more icon(s) { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'facebook-square' } {}
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: [
build: {
transpile: ['@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome']
Step 5: Use the Icons in the template.
Remember that we have registered the FontAwesome component as fontawesome
? We'll use that naming convention in referencing it on our template.
<fontawesome icon="fa-brands fa-facebook-square"></fontawesome>
// string style
<fontawesome :icon="['fab', 'facebook-square']"></fontawesome>
// array style
You can choose whether to use the string or array syntax but I'm more on the sting one because I think that's how it is being used few years back. Cheers!